We believe that the best way to find a pet is to adopt through a local shelter. There are many loving pets there just waiting for a good home. The cost is usually minimal and many times the animal has already been housebroken, vaccinated, and spayed/ neutered. For your convenience, we’ve provided a list of shelters below. Adopt a pet today to save a life, enrich yours, and do your part to put overcrowded, inhumane puppy mills out of business.
If you would like any advice or assistance in your search, I would be happy to help.
- ACCT – Animal Care and Control Philadelphia
- Main Line Animal Rescue
- PAWS – Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society
- Montgomery County SPCA
- Morris Animal Refuge
- Animal Coalition of Delaware County
- Francisvale Home for Smaller Animals
- Providence Animal Center
Pit Bull Rescue

To help you understand why I am passionate about pit bull rescue, I first need to tell you Josey’s story. Six years ago, I was visiting a shelter in CT that I grew up going to. Each time my mother would drag me out crying. I was not looking for a pet, simply visiting. As I greeted all the dogs in their runs, each one barking like crazy as they do every time a new person comes in, I came upon a quiet dog that took my breath away.
She was a female black and white pit bull about 1 year old. She was found tied up outside the shelter one morning. Her card specified no children under 14, as she’d exhibited very skittish behavior around visiting children. I was pregnant, had a 2 year old, and lived in an apartment that did not allow dogs. As she looked up at me and silently pleaded with me to help her, I knew I was not leaving her there. I sat on the floor and began to cry. Next came the reluctance from the shelter. The shelter behaviorist was brought in and Josey was put through temperament testing in a room with us. She not only passed, but the shelter workers said she seemed more bonded to us than anyone at the shelter in the 2 weeks she’d been there. So we were approved for adoption. Needless to say, I was caught with her in my apartment and lost my security deposit. But Josey has been more than worth it. She has been the sweetest, most loyal, protective, loving buddy. She has always been so tolerant of my kids. I feel that I could not ask for a better family dog.
My hope in sharing this story is that people will understand that there are a lot of Pits out there that would make wonderful pets. Yes, there are some that are too far gone due to poor breeding or mistreatment. But this breed does not deserve the reputation it has and it needs help. Thousands are being euthanized. The numbers being abandoned, confiscated, and rescued are astronomical.
If you have any questions about Pit Bull rescue, I would be happy to help. Here are a couple related links.