Terms of Service
This basic agreement shall apply whenever Creature Comforts Pet Sitting (CCPS) cares for your pets. CCPS agrees to provide pet care services to Client in a reliable, trustworthy, and caring manner.
Client authorizes CCPS to perform pet care services as outlined in their Pet Sitter Plus profile, which shall become part of this contract. Client agrees to keep all contact info and pet related info current in their profile.
Client agrees to confirm that their service request is correct in Pet Sitter Plus before service is scheduled to begin.
To ensure the highest level of service, once we are fully booked, we will not take any more bookings and will start a wait list.
Services are provided at rates specified on the Rates page of our website and are subject to change at any time without notice.
Visits may be scheduled between the hours of 7am-10pm. Any earlier or later poses a safety risk to our sitters and does not ensure that I can be available to them should they need me while working.
There is a $5.00 fee for 1/2 hr. visits scheduled with less than 12 hours notice to compensate us for adjusting our schedule to accommodate yours. ($7/45min., $9/1hr).
A specific time is not guaranteed. In PSP, you will be asked to select a time frame; if you like, you can then make a note requesting a more specific time, however, we can not guarantee a specific time of arrival to your home. We allow a two-hour interval of time for arriving to each client’s house. Whenever possible, we will arrive at the requested time. Accommodations will be made for puppies, geriatric pets, or those needing medications within a set time frame.
All reservations and cancellations MUST be made directly through the office/Pet Sitter Plus. Sitters may not accept these changes for you – not by note, in person, or text. They are not authorized to handle any schedule changes.
Each client will be assigned a primary sitter, however CCPS reserves the right to put another sitter in place should the primary sitter be unavailable for any reason.
In the event of severe weather where driving conditions are deemed dangerous & our sitters’ safety would be at risk, CCPS will use their judgment as pertains to scheduled visits. If services are delayed due to extreme weather conditions, CCPS will not be held liable for consequences from such decisions, primarily damage from an accident due to a pet being in for a longer than usual period of time..
All CCPS sitters are employees, not independent contractors, and have signed a non-compete agreement with the Company. They are not allowed to solicit or accept pet sitting assignments “on the side.” Should they do so, they will no longer be able to pet sit through our service. They will also lose their liability and bonding insurance provided by CCPS. Please do not solicit pet sitting directly from your pet sitter, and help us to keep our good pet sitters on staff so that we may continue to provide quality care to your pets.
Payment is due IN FULL by or before the start of service. Payment may be made in the form of check payable to Creature Comforts Pet Sitting or in Pet Sitter Plus by credit card. Client agrees to reimburse CCPS for any additional expenses incurred while tending to pet’s care such as unexpected home, food, or other supply needs.
For all clients with services programmed on an ongoing basis, it is preferred that a credit card be held on file and auto pay authorized for charged to be paid at the beginning of each month for the upcoming month’s services.
Client agrees to pay a $20 fee for each check returned by the client’s bank regardless of the reason.
In the event that you need to cancel services, we require at least 24 hours notice prior to the first scheduled visit. If the cancellation is made with less than 24 hours notice, you will be charged for any and all visits that fall within that time frame.
Daily dog walking clients must cancel by 8AM to avoid being charged for the day’s visit.
Clients are still responsible for full payment if cancellations are made while the service is in progress. Please understand that this time was reserved for you.
Refunds are not available for cancelled services, only credit for future visits.
CCPS requires that 2 copies of your house key be received prior to the beginning of service. If we are to use garage entry, then at least one key must be provided as back up. The only other exception to this is electronic key pad and code must then be entered into the Access to Property section of PSP. Any keys in our possession will be kept in the CCPS office when not in use. CCPS is not responsible or liable for any house keys left outside the client’s home in an unsecure location or any damage resulting from keys being left outside the home.
There is a $10.00 charge for picking up or dropping off keys.
Client expressly waives and relinquishes any and all claims against CCPS, its employees, and associates due to a) damage done by pet to client’s home or property if care instructions were being carried out correctly b) any adverse consequences of giving anyone other than CCPS access to your home including but not limited to housekeepers, friends, family, contractors etc. c) illness, injury, disappearance or death of any pets with access to the outdoors including outdoor cats and dogs left in an enclosed yard, on invisible fencing, or with access to a doggie door. It is strongly advised that all pets wear an ID tag with a contact number and that they remain inside the home or confined for their own safety and welfare in your absence.
If a pet has a history of biting or other aggressive behavior or displays any to a representative of CCPS during service, CCPS reserves the right to refuse service.
Should a CCPS representative be bitten or otherwise injured by Client’s pet, it will be the Client’s responsibility to pay any uncovered costs and damages incurred by the victim.
It is the pet owner’s sole responsibility to pet-proof any areas of the home and/or property to which the pet has access. This includes thoroughly inspecting fences, gates, latches, doors, and other devices meant to keep pet inside of or away from any areas pet may be having access to.
Should CCPS need to employ a licensed locksmith to gain entry into the Client’s premise due to a malfunction of the lock or failure of the Client to leave a key, it shall be the responsibility of the Client to reimburse CCPS for all costs incurred. The Client expressly gives CCPS the authority to employ a licensed locksmith on the Client’s behalf in the event of the aforementioned occurrence. In the event of an unintentional lockout of a CCPS representative, Client expressly gives CCPS the authority to employ a licensed locksmith to regain entry to the Client’s premises, however CCPS will assume responsibility for the costs of such an unintentional occurrence.
Client agrees to entrust the emergency care of their pets to Creature Comforts Pet Sitting during their absence. Client understands and agrees that attempts will be made to contact them in case of emergency and if they are unreachable, CCPS has permission to authorize any care that they and your vet (or emergency vet) deem necessary for your pet’s health, safety and survival. Client agrees to reimburse CCPS for all costs relating to veterinary care during their absence. Client understands that this includes veterinary costs as well as extra time spent by CCPS to care for the pet during the emergency. Client releases CCPS from any and all liabilities related to transportation, treatment, and expense resulting from emergencies.
I have read and hereby accept all conditions within this contract. I authorize this signed contract to be valid approval for any and all future pet sitting services, whether requested by telephone, in person, or via e-mail.