Snuggling with my daughter, Allie

One of the little girls - dark chocolate color

Emmy, stop reading and pay attention to me!
I am so glad that my first blog involves rescue. Aside from the joys of caring for my clients’ pets, rescue is what makes me happy. It is just the most rewarding thing – and it’s crucial to the pet overpopulation crisis. Two days ago, as I’m trying to recover from all the craziness of the holiday, I browsed the pet column on Craigslist. I read a post from the Philadelphia SPCA about a litter of sick kittens due to be euthanized the next day (yesterday). It was a 6-8 week old litter of black kittens with Upper Respiratory Infection. It’s like a kitty cold but they do not kick it in the shelter environment. It’s also highly contagious – a risk of spreading to all their healthy animals that the shelter cannot afford to take. I immediately emailed the contact listed. I received the phone call yesterday that they were still there and scheduled for euthanasia in the evening. I made the committment to be there that afternoon. As I drove to this shelter, I felt my stomach begin to tighten. I was actually terrified to enter a Philadelphia SPCA knowing that it’s far from a happy place. In the short amount of time I was in the waiting room filling out paperwork, 3 cats were surrendered. I was taken back to the cat room to see my new babies. In addition there were many other cats in need of homes – as well as several litters of kittens – both with their mommas and without. As I loaded all my new charges into the cardboard carrier, I tried to keep the sense of joy about taking these guys out of there despite the feeling that encroaches on you that there are so many there that will be left behind when you leave. One shelter worker said to me “They were going to be euthanized tonight. You literally just saved 6 lives.” That’s what it’s all about – making whatever difference you can. This will not be easy – each kitten needs eye drops and oral antibiotics twice a day for 2 weeks. It is my responsibility to take them all back to the SPCA for vaccines and neutering, as well as finding their new homes. I then have to take the new adopters to the SPCA with me to complete the adoption process. My girls and I are, of course, head over heels in love. 4 boys and 2 girls. They will hopefully be ready to go in a few weeks – at Christmastime! If anyone is interested, please let me know. Enjoy the pics of the cuteness.